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Coordination within projects for risk and vulnerability analysis

The electricity grid is an extremely complex system that is an essential cog for the Swedish energy supply. Electricity consumption is also expected to increase sharply in the coming decades, which will further increase the importance of the electricity grid. At the same time, large parts of the electricity grid are outdated and so is the way of working around delivery security. In order to be able to make informed and more reality-based decisions regarding the electricity grid's supply security and potential risks, better insights are needed into the grid's current network components.

The project aims to create a tool that can evaluate interruption time and recovery time for important components in the electricity grid. Knowing the individual parameters of the components and all the possible feed paths in the network, it is possible to assess critical paths and create action plans to prevent interruptions. The tool will thus be able to contribute with improved delivery security.

It's a big project that involves a lot of people. Novion therefore acted as coordination support, so that the operatives could fully focus on their work. Novion also managed internal communication in the client's channels, to keep the rest of the company updated on the project's progress.

For more information contact:

Olof Olsson

Energy Consultant

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