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Operational support in development of a revolutionary grid computation tool

It is no secret that major changes are taking place in the Swedish energy system. The electricity grid was largely built several decades ago and designed for the electricity needs of a different era. If a large-scale investment in electrification is to take place, the electricity grid must also be able to handle larger power flows. An accompanying challenge is knowing where in the grid the need for reinforcements is greatest. This is a challenge that the client spends a lot of time and resources on to find a solution.

For some time now, the customer has been working on developing a tool with the task of being able to make comprehensive load flow calculations on its electricity grid in an automated way. The project has been ongoing for several years and brings together disciplines within electric power systems, risk and vulnerability analysis and programming. Novion is a piece of the puzzle in this project and acts operationally to ensure that the necessary data is extracted for the calculations and enables the grid to be formatted in the correct way to make the aforementioned calculations.

For more information contact:

Olof Olsson

Energy Consultant

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