Privacy Policy

Novion protects your personal privacy. This information text is aimed at you who visit our website, are registered as the contact person with us or have come into contact with one of our sellers. The personal data policy explains how Novion collects and uses your personal data. It also describes your rights against us and how you can assert your rights. You can always contact us with questions about privacy and data protection by sending us an e-mail at

What is personal data?

Personal data is all information that can be directly or indirectly linked to your person. It can be obvious information such as your name or your social security number, but also information such as e.g. email address or phone number. Even pictures are a form of personal data, if you can be clearly distinguished in the picture.

Processing of personal data

Processing means everything that we at Novion do with your personal data. For example, when we collect, sort or process personal data.

How do we collect personal data about you?

At Novion, your personal data can be registered, for example, when you call us, send e-mail, order information materials, leave a point of view or a question via our web chat, fill out contact forms, or when your company is a customer of ours and our companies exchange contact information. If you contact us via contact form or email, we may occasionally send you relevant marketing information. Remember not to send privacy-sensitive information to us, e.g. via e-mail and social media. Privacy-sensitive information is, for example, information about ethnic origin, religious and political opinions, state of health, social security number or membership in a trade union.

Who is responsible for the personal data?

Novion is the personal data controller for the processing of your personal data because we determine the means and purposes of the processing. We also use personal data assistants, external suppliers, who help us with the treatments. You can read more about this under the heading "Who can see my personal data".

Why do we process your personal data?

In order for Novion to be able to offer its services and fulfill its commitments to you, we need to handle data about you. Throughout the handling of personal data, we protect your personal integrity. Below is a table that describes the purposes Novion has for its processing, the legal grounds that justify the processing according to current data protection legislation, how long we keep the personal data. Novion does no profiling or automated decision-making with your personal data. Automated decision-making means that your personal data is processed to make decisions without any human influence on the decision, this could for example be a program that makes the decision according to an algorithm.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We will only retain personal data if there is a purpose for retaining the information. We are also obliged to retain personal data for a certain period of time in accordance with requirements from various statutes such as the Accounting Act.

Who can see your personal data?

Your personal data is only available to people who need it to be able to perform their duties. Personal data can also be transferred to our system suppliers who help us with IT operation and support. Novion may also provide necessary information to authorities such as the police, the tax office or other authorities if we are obliged to do so by law.

Where do we process your personal data?

Novion always strives to process your personal data within the EEA (European Economic Area). However, the data may in certain situations be transferred to, and processed in, countries outside the EEA because some of our suppliers or subcontractors are international organizations. Novion will take all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data is handled securely and with an adequate level of protection both within and outside the EEA. If you want to know if or where your personal data is transferred outside the EEA, you can contact us at

Your rights according to the data protection regulation

According to the data protection regulation, you always have the right to receive information about which personal data Novion has registered about you. If you send a request to, Novion will send you a register extract that contains your personal data that we process and a text that describes how we process the personal data. It will normally take a maximum of one month before such a register extract is sent to you.

Right to rectification and limitation

You have certain rights that Novion is obliged to observe in certain circumstances. According to current data protection legislation, you have the following rights that you can invoke. To invoke your rights, you can contact Before you can invoke any of your rights, you must first identify yourself, our staff will then ask you some verification questions.

Right of access

If you believe that any personal data about you is incorrect or misleading, you can request that it be corrected or used in a more limited way in certain cases. In such cases, contact and explain what you think is incorrect and why.

Right to erasure (“the right to be forgotten”)

You have the right to request deletion of your personal data stored by Novion if at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • the data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected
  • the processing is based on consent and you withdraw your consent
  • the processing takes place through direct marketing and you object to the data being processed for that purpose
  • you object to processing on the legal basis "legitimate interest" because there are no legitimate reasons that outweigh your interest
  • the personal data has been processed illegally
  • deletion is required to comply with a legal obligation


However, you do not have the right to have your personal data deleted if Novion, for example:

Need to process the personal data to perform a task within the framework of a contractual relationship with you, for archival purposes, to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, to fulfill a legal obligation or defend legal claims.

Right to data portability

You sometimes have the right to obtain your personal data in a general, structured and machine-readable format and also have your personal data transferred to another organization (if technically possible) if the processing is based on consent or on an agreement and takes place automatically (using IT means ). Contact us at

Right to object

You have the right to object to Novion's processing of your personal data and to submit complaints to the supervisory authority (Datainspektionen). You can object to direct marketing at any time and Novion will stop the marketing.