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Simris – InterFLEX – Future Energy Systems

Novion provides project management services to E.ON in a unique pilot project in the Skåne village of Simris. Here, E.ON lays the foundation for the future energy system.

The pilot project is part of the EU project InterFLEX, Horizon 2020, with the overarching goal of promoting the increase of renewable energy, local resources, and active customer participation.

Novion (which, with Jörgen, brought the assignment from Knowit) initially focused on IT infrastructure, communication, smart meters, and load management of facilities in households (Demand Response and Flexibility). The collaboration progressed further, and Novion took over as project manager for the Simris Local Energy System (LES) and InterFLEX.

As the only Swedish energy company, E.ON managed to create a local energy system that was unique in Sweden at the time (2017-2020). In Simris, local renewable electricity production, battery solutions, and various IT solutions were utilized to occasionally disconnect from the national grid and operate in so-called island mode (islanded operation), being self-sufficient. All energy is 100% renewable. The system fosters awareness among the villagers while testing technical solutions.

Hopefully, parts of the system in Simris will be scaled up and serve as a complement to the current energy system.

For more information contact:

Jörgen Rosvall

CEO & Founder

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